Mantra Sunday
Sunday 14 & 28 May 2023 at 15:00 CEST

Singing mantra is good for the soul. 
Chanting opens the heart and stills the mind.
The power of a mantra is oneness.

For anyone who loves to be near me and feel joy. 
Come home and experience happiness.
You are very welcome.

You can sign up through this link
The Great Silence
Thursday 11 May - Saturday 13 May 2023    

Being in the presence of someone who is awake,
Awakens you.
Sitting in the presence that is love,
Makes you more loving.
Sitting in the presence of someone who is light,
Lightens you.

With all my heart I invite any seeker who is truly tired of thinking. You are welcome to The Great Silence.

‘The Great Silence’ is the essential nourishment to experience confrontation with yourself.
It is the opportunity to get more deeply in touch with your unique self by opening up to the power and the energy of silence.

More information and signing up on our website

Short excerpt from Satsang

We regularly post short excerpts from the Satsangs and interviews with Carien on our Youtube channel. These are spoken or subtitled in English. Watch the most recent video-clip “How to make Listening to other People Easy”

The answer to the quiz from last newsletter
The correct answer is "One thought."

Unfortunately, no one guessed correctly, but there were some very good entries. The difference between wining and losing was just 1 thought.
The new quiz
Do you know the answer to this riddle by Carien? Then send it to
The winner will receive a heart-shaped stone painted with love.

PS. Volunteers of The Carien Foundation are excluded from participation.
Upcoming Silent Retreat 
Wednesday 7th June  - Sunday 11th June 2023

Being in the Light of the Heart


To support Carien’s work, please consider donating.

Donations are welcome and can be deposited into account number
NL41 ABNA 0812 6188 74
 with BIC (SWIFT) code ABNANL2A in the name of The Carien Foundation and please mention: Donation.


With a warm greeting from all of us
Visit our website