Talking to you
We like to show you this video to introduce Carien.

Meeting someone that unconditionally loves, guides and speaks to the heart is something unforgettable. It’s like hearing a voice inside that has been forgotten for a long time. In this short film we’ll introduce you to Carien, in that she may move you and touch your heart just as she has touched ours.

To watch the video, click this link.

We are happy and grateful to announce the retreat Being in the Light of the Heart.

This silence retreat with Carien is the perfect opportunity to connect more deeply with your heart. It is a profound experience to be in the energy of someone who radiates so much warmth and love.
Carien is at the service of everyone with a search for the Self.

For more information and signing up. Click this link:
We like to show you this video to introduce Carien. Click this link

Short excerpt from Satsang

We regularly post short excerpts from the Satsangs and interviews with Carien on our Youtube channel. These are spoken or subtitled in English. Watch the most recent video-clip "Disillusioment of the Ego" 

The new quiz
Do you know the answer to this riddle by Carien? Then send it to
The winner will receive a heart-shaped stone painted with love. 


To support Carien’s work, please consider donating.

Donations are welcome and can be deposited into account number
NL41 ABNA 0812 6188 74
 with BIC (SWIFT) code ABNANL2A in the name of The Carien Foundation and please mention: Donation.


With a warm greeting from all of us
Visit our website