Video "Talking to You" selected for Global Film Festival! 

We are incredibly happy with the news that our video "Talking to You", introducing Carien, has been selected for the Global Feminine film festival. This online film festival is organized by Culture Unplugged.

Visitors to this online film festival can choose from selected videos every day. The first broadcasts of our video are scheduled for Sunday 27 August and Sunday 10 September. After that we will receive new dates We will hear new dates for September and October.

Can we count on you?
The more people watch the video at this festival, the more chance we have that "Talking to You" will be permanently programmed on this site and more people can get to know Carien.
Mantra Sundays 
Sundays 10 & 24 Septembre  15.00 - 16.00 

Chanting a mantra is not just singing. It is like a prayer, but then sung. Rehearsing an ancient sacred text (mantra) creates a vibration that is in direct connection with our heart.

See for more info and signing up

The Great Silence
14 - Friday 15 September (24 hours)

Being in the presence of someone who is awake, awakens you.
Sitting in the presence that is love, makes you more loving.
Sitting in the presence of someone who is light, lightens you.

Any seeker who is truly tired of thinking is welcome to The Great Silence.

‘The Great Silence’ is a essential confrontation with yourself. Being in the presence of Carien gives you a deep experience. 
Through eye gazing you experience an immense connection with Carien and an intense transmitting to your true self.

For more information and signing up:

This silent retreat with Carien is the perfect opportunity to connect more deeply with your heart. It is a profound experience to be in the energy of someone who radiates so much warmth and love. Carien is at the service of everyone with a search for the Self.

During a retreat you notice how necessary it is to have the space to really connect. How important it is to be able to sink completely into the self.

It is possible to participate at our location in Spain or via the online platform Zoom. 

Information and signing up:

Videos on You tube

On our Youtube channel you can see videos and shorts of interviews with Carien or fragments of Satsangs. These are spoken or subtitled in English. Watch the most recent one:

To support Carien’s work, please consider donating.

Donations are welcome and can be deposited into account number
NL41 ABNA 0812 6188 74
 with BIC (SWIFT) code ABNANL2A in the name of The Carien Foundation and please mention: Donation.


With a warm greeting from all of us
Visit our website