Satsang with Carien (Online)
What is Satsang? The meaning of the word is “Being in truth”.
This meeting deals with questions such as “Why do I experience separation and why do I long for unity? Who am I? What have I copied from others and what is from myself? What is real and what is not?
Following Satsangs is an inner journey to gain clarity and awareness of your own being, discovering the unity of which we are a part of. To learn to recognize the ego in your mind and to connect with your own heart energy.
Welcome to Satsangs with Carien.
During the Satsang we bring our attention and focus inwards. Out of respect for yourself and the other participants, it is urgently requested not to make eye contact or have conversations with other participants during a Satsang. This is to strengthen the contact with your heart energy.
Asking questions arising from your own experiences on your inner journey gives Carien the opportunity to guide you. That’s what Satsang is for.
Satsang visitors who visit Carien in Spain or via Zoom can ask Carien questions directly. If you already have a question in the run-up to the Satsang, you can mail it to: questions@carien.org.
The Satsang starts at approximately 14:00, when Carien arrives.
The request is to be on time. We kindly ask you that once the Satsang has started, to make sure there are as little interruptions as possible. This is important for the peace and silence during Satsang and the focus inwards.
How does the Satsang take place online?
We use the video communication platform Zoom. As soon as you inform us that you want to participate, we E-mail you the Zoom- Link. From 13.45 you can open that link and you will automatically join the online Satsang. When the connection is established, you can already go into silence. Also respect the silence of others and don’t talk to each other.
You can put on your webcam, but you don’t have to. Preferably, you mute your sound so that any background noise in your home does not disturb the Satsang. If you want to ask a question, you can turn on your microphone and video. Carien will let you know when she noticed it and tells you when you can speak.
Visiting Satsang in Spain?Visiting Satsang in Spain?
Besides online it is also possible to attend the Satsang in Spain.
For more information send an email to team@carien.org or visit our contact page.
A few agreements
Dress code
Shoes must be removed upon entry. Out of respect, modest clothing is worn. Preferably no revealing or see-through clothing. Cover your shoulders. Shorts and T-shirts are allowed.
It is not recommended to bring children to the Satsang unless they are genuinely interested and can be quiet during the Satsang. Children who really feel they already want to be there (which is rare) can attend a Satsang. If you decide to bring children, we ask you, as parent(s)/guardian(s), to keep silent and to honor the rules mentioned above.
Filming during Satsang
Film recordings are made during the Satsangs. Upon entering, visitors give permission to the organization to produce and/or make these recordings public. The images are handled with care.
The Satsangs can be broadcast in whole or in part (including on our Facebook and Youtube pages), This offers people, who for whatever reason, are not able to come, the opportunity to follow the Satsang remotely or return later to watch.
Donations out of gratitude
Carien offers the Satsangs free of charge to anyone who wants to make the journey to ISness, because “How can you get paid for that which you already are?”
A donation out of gratitude for the guidance is of course very welcome. Click here to go to visit our donation page.
Satsangs are given in Dutch. However, with applications from English-speaking seekers, an English-language Satsang will be given on request.
Satsangs and retreats are not a substitute or alternative for psychological help, therapy or any other form of health care.